Home For Patients Dental Blog Is It Safe to Share a Toothbrush?

Is It Safe to Share a Toothbrush?

Posted on 4/10/2023 by Cole Anderson, DMD, MS
Is It Safe to Share a Toothbrush?Whether you are just sisters, or brothers, friends, or even lovers, there is always that one person who will at some point want to share your toothbrush. Others will do it without knowing and later realize then admit it or not. Either way, it is a widely asked question. 'Is it safe to share a toothbrush?' Now a lot of people hold different opinions. There are those who would never be caught sharing, while there are those who would give theirs to a total stranger. There are implications to this sharing though. Sometimes it could be harmful.

What Happens When Two People Share A Toothbrush?

The first thing that happens is that you exchange mouth bacteria. Every person has their own type of bacteria in their mouth. It is almost like having a fingerprint. These are the bacteria that their mouth is accustomed to. The saliva they produce is equipped to deal with this kind of bacteria. When this person shares a toothbrush, they gain the bacteria of another mouth. The problem is trying to make these new bacteria compatible with the conditions of their mouth. Most times, they will overpower and bring them infections that their mouth cannot readily fight naturally.

How To Play Safe with Your Toothbrush

If you wish to avoid disturbing the natural functioning of your mouth, then it is important that you keep your own toothbrush and do not share. Most couples like to use one toothbrush, but it is advisable to keep separate ones and play it safe. Use your own toothbrush and encourage those close to you to use theirs.

You should maintain your oral health using one toothbrush for about three months then dispose of and get another. Give us a call today to get more information on why you should maintain proper oral hygiene using your own toothbrush and not a shared one.
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