Home For Patients Dental Blog Surgeries for Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Oral Cavity

Surgeries for Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Oral Cavity

Posted on 8/21/2023 by Cole Anderson, DMD, MS
Surgeries for Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Oral CavityProper functioning of our ability to eat, speak and breathe partly relies on a complex structure called the oral cavity. Unfortunately, the oral cavity is susceptible to tumor development, either benign or malignant, eventually leading to surgical interventions.

Surgery for Benign Tumors

Benign tumors such as fibromas or papillomas are non-cancerous growths that develop within the oral cavity. While they don't invade other parts of the body during surgical excision, surgeons may remove the tumor plus a bit of healthy tissue to ensure full recovery without post-surgery complications under local anesthesia.

Surgery for Malignant Tumors

Malignant tumor growths are cancerous and destructive. A surgeon will decide on each patient's treatment depending on factors such as size, location, and stage. Surgery might be deemed necessary if caught at an early stage, while local excision is still a viable treatment option to remove these cancer cells with some necessary healthy tissue margins. More advanced stages may require lymph node dissection, in addition to surgery which involves removing infected lymph nodes not only for recovery but also to prevent cancer cells from spreading further.

Maxillectomy or mandibulectomy can be done where malignant spread has invaded the jawbone beyond control, requiring total or partial upper or lower jawbone removal; it provides room for restoration without compromising essential functionality and appearance characteristics.

Early detection and immediate intervention are essential to achieve successful outcomes in your oral healthcare surgery. Any irregularities noticed in the mouth should be evaluated by our highly-skilled oral surgeon immediately for proper action to be taken. The patient's condition will be assessed comprehensively before recommending the most suitable treatment option. To prevent avoidable complications arising from delayed diagnosis or treatment of any tumors within the mouth region, schedule an appointment with our experts today.

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