Home For Patients Dental Blog What Options Do You Have for Treating an Impacted Tooth?

What Options Do You Have for Treating an Impacted Tooth?

Posted on 5/30/2019 by Cole Anderson, DMD, MS
What Options Do You Have for Treating an Impacted Tooth?If you have a tooth that, for whatever reason, hasn't been able to break through your gums, it has become impacted. Often, this happens with wisdom teeth, but any tooth in your mouth can become impacted. You may not even realize you have an impacted tooth until you have a dental X-ray. If we discover an impacted tooth, what can be done about it? Here are your treatment options.

Is Your Impacted Tooth Causing a Problem?

If your impacted tooth isn't the source of pain or any other issue, it's possible we may not need to do anything about it at the moment. We can, of course, take measures if you want, but if there's no reason to perform oral surgery, we suggest simply waiting and seeing what happens. It's possible you can go your entire life with an impacted tooth as long as it's not causing any issues.

Tooth Extraction

On the other hand, we may need to extract the tooth if it's causing you pain or damaging the teeth around it in some way. This extraction can be done fairly easily, and you can usually return to your normal routine within a few days. Full recovery can take around a week or so. We will then replace the impacted tooth with an implant or a bridge.

Make it Erupt
If your impacted tooth is a canine, there are several different ways we can help it erupt. Braces and brackets are two common methods, especially for younger patients who haven't had their canines erupt yet.

Impacted teeth are normally dealt with while you're young, but sometimes one manages to escape notice until you're an adult. If you believe you have an impacted tooth, give us a call today to schedule a time to come in and get an X-ray done. That's the only way to confirm an impacted tooth.
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