Posted on 10/20/2019 by Cole Anderson, DMD, MS |
An abscessed tooth comes with a variety of symptoms. These include swelling and pain. Somehow, there are people who can ignore the symptoms of an abscess. For a select few, the symptoms may not cause major discomfort or there is another reason they can ignore them, but that is rarely a good idea. One of the things that can happen if an abscess is left untreated is Ludwig's Angina. It is worth learning what this condition is and what it means. What is Ludwig's Angina?Ludwig's angina is a bacterial skin infection on the floor of the mouth underneath the tongue. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, pain or tenderness on the floor of the mouth, swelling, neck pain and fatigue. It is more common in adults than it is in children. Ludwig's Angina is treatable, but if left untreated, can lead to difficulty breathing and chest pain. Serious complications can include a blocked airway and sepsis. Linking Ludwig's Angina and Untreated AbscessesAbscesses are often associated with cases of Ludwig's Angina. The abscess is a collection of pus that is full of bacteria. The bacteria in the abscess can spread to the floor of the mouth. As long as the abscess is left untreated, the bacteria that cause the infection will remain in the mouth. Treatment for Ludwig's Angina includes treating the symptoms, such as clearing the airway and also using antibiotics to fight the infection. If the cause of the Ludwig's Angina is an abscess, it is necessary to treat the abscess too. The key to treating Ludwig's Angina caused by an abscess is seeking treatment as early as possible. It is better to treat both of these problems in their early stages to avoid the complications that can result from leaving either of them untreated. If you have symptoms of either of these conditions, it is a good idea to get into our office as soon as possible. |