After tooth extraction, the hole in the bone is referred to as a socket. A clot is formed to protect the nerves and bone underneath the hole. Sometimes the clot is displaced or dislodged, causing pain and discomfort.
Below are 5 ways that you can use to deal with a dry socket.
Rinsing the Socket with Warm Salty Water
For about 30 seconds, swish warm salty water in your mouth. Swishing helps eliminate any food particles that may be lodged in the socket. It also helps the blood clot. Ensure the water is warm, as hot water will irritate the socket. You can repeat this process several times throughout the day.
Use Essential Oils
These are known for their healing properties. Olive oil reduces pain and numbs the socket, while tea tree promotes healing and fights infection. Use each oil on its own. You should only use essential oils for extreme pain as they kill good bacteria in your mouth.
Use Honey
Honey reduces pain and soothes the wound because it is famous for its healing and antibacterial benefits. Soak a cotton wool ball in honey, then apply it to your wound. You should feel some relief from the pain.
Using Ice
You can soothe the pain by placing a few ice cubes on a face towel. Gently place it against your cheek where the dry socket is located. The cold compressions will alleviate pain.
Taking Prescribed Medicine
When the pain persists, visit your dentist. You will be given a prescription that is best for you. The prescription could be pain relievers or antibiotics. Your dentist may need to clean the socket and remove any food debris the place a medicated gauze in the socket to promote healing.
A dry socket should heal in about a week. Ensure you follow your dentist's advice and make follow-up visits.
Treasure Valley Oral & Facial Surgery, 1000 North Curtis Road, Suite 103, Boise, ID 83706-1337 • (208) 343-0909 • • 9/11/2024 • Related Terms: dental implants Boise ID •